Withania somnifera by Imperium Illustrations

Withania somnifera or Ashwaghanda in Ayurvedic medicine is literally my most favourite (legal) herb on the planet and that’s a BIG call! It is a lovely tonic, nutures the immune system, is anti-inflammatory and has the most marvellous adaptogenic ability.  I’m pretty sure there is nothing this beautiful plant cannot do!

I prescribe Withania in so many of my unique liquid herbal formulations, because it is just so versatile and when prescribed correctly, almost anyone can benefit from it’s unique abilities.

For the nerds amongst us (takes one to know one), Withania has many active chemical compounds including withanolides (steroidal lactones), alkaloids and choline.  Every part of the plant is useful, however in western herbal medicine we are most familiar with using the root.

There are hundreds of studies about Ashwaghanda and the benefits it has on the body.  Amongst the many things ways that my fav plant can help you include but are not limited to:

  • Protects the immune system
  • Helps combat the effects of stress
  • Improves learning, memory, and reaction time
  • Reduces anxiety and depression without causing drowsiness
  • Helps reduce brain-cell degeneration
  • Stabilizes blood sugar
  • Helps lower cholesterol
  • Offers anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits
  • Contains anti-malarial properties
  • Enhances sexual potency for both men and women
  • May be an effective anti-tumor agent
  • Promotes new nerve growth

The uses of this beautiful plant are so wide and varied!  This is why it is my absolute favourite to use both personally and clinically.  Results seem so subtle and yet very dramatic at the same time.  My most favourite supplement at the moment that includes Withania is Cort Rx.  This powerhouse of a supplement works little miracles in very short periods of time.  If you feel like you are lack-lustre, and just don’t seem to have the energy or motivation to get the things done that you know that you need to, taking this as a part of your daily health supplementation will quickly help you shift gear and have you feeling zest for life once more.  

I personally have suffered from depression on and off for all of my adult life and beginning to take this supplement every day helped me climb out of my dark hole and do the work required to reconnect with myself and my purpose and get shit done!

If you’re wanting to try this supplement you can purchase it here

Here is a cool little study if you would like to read more about Withania’s effect on stress and anxiety