
Healing Candida Naturally

by | Dec 9, 2022 | 0 comments

Originally written by my mentor, Charles Angles, may he Rest In Peace.

Candida albicans yeast infection is not a recent phenomenon; Hippocrates wrote about it back in 400B.C. Through the centuries, it was mentioned in medical literature but it was never much cause for concern, usually occurring in the elderly, debilitated patients or in the very young infants. This century however, Candida albicans is in its glory. Thriving on the internal pollution of excess sugar consumption, antibiotics, oral contraceptives and drugs which suppress the immune system, Candida couldn’t have found a more appropriate time or place to prosper than the twentieth century.

For years Candida had another advantage, Anonymity. Most doctors, and even more lay people, did not even know that this organism was around. In April of 1983, the magazine “Let’s Live’ was one of the first to publish and article on Candida albicans. The response from readers was dramatic. Over 70,000 enquiries were made requesting more information. Due to such media exposure, Candida albicans now has the spotlight. It is the subject of medical seminars and the recipient of research grants. Physicians who are aware of its existence see it frequently.

Scientists are linking Candida albicans to Aids, birth defects and cancer. It has been called the most important issue of our time.

The Twentieth Century Disease:

It is common to both sexes and all age groups. although thrush, oral candidasis, can occur in any age group, we usually think of it as a children’s disease, not knowing that it is prevalent throughout our whole population.

For hundreds of years, textbooks on paediatrics have described the milk curd-like colonies in the mouth of newborn babies associated with diaper rashes: another form of Candidiasis, oral thrush is very common in babies less than a month old.

During pregnancy women often have a mild case of candidiasis or monilia, which the baby picks up during birth. The infant immune system is usually weakened leading to poor health in later years. Female anatomy does provide a hospitable habitat for yeast overgrowth. Combined with a weakened immune system, it is the perfect environment for yeast organisms to multiply rapidly. when this occurs, there is usually a thick milky discharge. Grey white patches similar in appearance to the curd-like thrush patches in the mouths of infants can be seen on the surfaces of the vagina. Itching, burning, soreness and even ulcers can occur in the vaginal area.

Yeast overgrowth is also very common in the intestines. It can produce what doctors often call “irritable bowel syndrome.” Symptoms include constipation or diarrhoea, cramping, bloating and haemorrhoids. Rectal itching or tingling can be a nuisance.

Digestive problems may be a direct result of yeast overgrowth. Heartburn and sour stomach are linked with candida colonies in the oesophagus. Studies reveal that this yeast organism is present in nearly all lung conditions. B bronchial candidiasis is a form of chronic bronchitis. It is characterised by coughing, with sputum, rales, and a thickening of the bronchial tubes. In advanced cases, the small crude-like yeast patches are visible, growing on the bronchial tree.

The toxins released by the organisms create an extremely sensitive respiratory system. Could problems usually regarded as allergies be a result of yeast overgrown? All the classic allergy symptoms are common in candidiasis, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, post-nasal drip, cough and asthma.

How many reoccurrence of urinary tract infections may be coupled with candida? The kidney, ureters and bladder can be havens for the candida overgrowth. When yeast infects the outer end of the urethra, irritation results in urgency, burning and frequency urination. In some cases, little balls made of candida and other yeasts have been found in the urinary tract.

Candida can grow on heart valves and arteries, in brain tissue or between your toes. Its influence is not limited to areas where it lives. Toxins produced by this yeast go into the blood stream and thus float to all tissues supplied by blood. The variety of symptoms reported by people with candidiasis, and the disappearance of those symptoms when an anti-yeast health program is followed, suggests that any organ, gland or tissue can be affected by yeast or its by-products.

The brain, complex in its circuity of neurotransmitters and chemical receipts, appears to be profoundly affected by candidiasis. Memory loss, mood swings and inability to concentrate can be signals of yeast overgrowth. A feeling of fogginess, absence of mental clarity and disorientation is common. Depression, frustration and anxiety are reported by too many patients.

Hormonal functions seem to be upset by yeast toxins. Menstrual cycles may become irregular or temporarily disappear; weight goes up and down like a see-saw. fluid retention and puffiness in women is evident, especially during premenstrual days. There may be an inability to respond fully during sexual experiences and/or a loss of interest in sex.

Other symptoms of yeast overgrowth include environmental allergies, reaches, lethargy, fatigue, acne, hives, psoriasis, hypoglycaemia, and multiple endocrine disorders. Symptoms of yeast overgrowth usually occur after a period of stress. The stress can be a reaction to a variety of experiences. Diet is a frequency source of stress especially if it is high in refined sugars; it feeds the yeast organism and makes it grow at a very rapid pace. Candida and other yeast can grow in any sugars and this of course includes all forms of antibiotics.

Candida albicans is transmitted by sexual contact, bit it sexual intercourse or deep kissing or even exchange of sweat between two people. Also spread by the mother to the foetus, as the unborn baby is fed by the mother’s blood


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