
Your Body Is The Key

by | Aug 8, 2023 | 0 comments

There are so many beautiful souls out there who are committed to their ultimate soul’s expansion. So many I have met over the years doing the work and engaging in spiritual daily practices like meditation, journalling, gratitude and more. The one common thread that most of my clients have is the is the need to address the needs of the physical body. Needs that have long been neglected because of societal conditioning to put others first, or long held beliefs of attachment around their state of health. What I find, over and over again in my clients, is that when the needs of the physical body are addressed, the vibration of the being is raised, and this in turn is critical in their spiritual expansion and intuitive development. When you really think about it, it’s easy to see why the body is the key to so much. We ARE the body. We are the body, the mind and the spirit all combined together to create the vibrational offering that we send out into the world for it it be returned back with physical creation. When our body is right, our mind and mood changes. When our mind and mood changes, our emotional responses change. When our emotional responses change we can shift beliefs, behaviours and more and therefore truly create a new reality that one we had BEFORE focusing on the body! I dare you to give it a try. Spend 30 days really giving your physical body the love that it deserves through nutrition, movement, sleep, hydration and supplementation and just see where you end up! I bet it’s somewhere AMAZING…. because it HAS to be!


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