Custom Essence One on One 15 minute Zoom


Are you experiencing some emotional challenges and need some support specifically tailored to you and your circumstance? The magic of a custom crafted essence is for you!

Kelly will intuitively tune into you and create a custom blend to perfectly align with your highest good to address the challenges in your life and the emotions and behaviours that are arising and impacting your success!

If you have been struggling with heavy emotions, tears or heart-ache this is a perfect option that is all natural, safe and effective with no side effects. You will be amazed at the speed of improvement and ease that the essences bring.

7 drops under the tongue morning and night and during your water bottle during the day is all it takes to bring the calm in your mind, body and spirit. After all wellbeing is everything and all you need to do is align.

*All bottles are 50ml.



Essences truly are a gift from this earth when it comes to shifting heavy, dense emotions from the body and as a result the behaviours that come with them.

If you are ready to release some of the baggage that holds you back but you’re not sure what baggage you actually have or if the body is even holding the stuff that you ARE aware of, this is the session for you.

In a rapid 15 minute Zoom consultation I will tune into your body and test what essences are required for you to shift those dense vibrations and then blend those essences into a custom crafted creation just for you!

Your essence is then sent on the next courier (within Australia), or via post (anywhere in the world) so you can begin shifting your vibration immediately!

If you already have tools to help with your emotional regulation or release such as essential oils or are aware of EFT, I will help you craft an oil or script an EFT to support your release straight away.

The essence is then just a postie away!

So many of my valued clients have experienced the magic that essences bring, I can’t wait to send you an essence to experience the magic too!


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