The Great Vitamin C Hoax

by ATP Science What do you think Vitamin C is for?How much Vitamin C is enough and how much is too much?What does Vitamin C actually do? Most people that I ask these questions will say something like this… “Vitamin C is for your immune system to treat or prevent colds...

Alignment and Resistance

What do you do when you’re feeling out of whack?  Do you have the conscious self-awareness that alerts you to your off-feelingness when it happens so that you can become aware of what came into your life that threw you off feeling good?  This is where you...

The Uncomfortable Crab

So many of us run away from feelings of discomfort.  We do this because our brain tells us to… because it keeps us safe.  Safe from harm and safe from disappointment.  You know what else it keeps you safe from when presented with discomfort? Growth,...

Peace of Eden Workshops 2019

Wow! We made it! 2019 is energetically set up to be an absolutely cracking year and I can’t wait to get stuck into providing healthy educational workshops! I have the best clients and community around me, and doing workshops like this is my way of giving back as...