What do Angel Numbers 11:11 mean and how to interpret them?

So often I used to pick up my phone and it would be 11:11, or 3:33, or 4:44 and so on. I used to wonder what it meant, this mysterious phenomenon that would show up randomly everywhere I went. I would see the numbers on number plates as I drove, receipts, the time on my phone, and other curious places and I used to scratch my head and wonder what the universe was trying to communicate with me.

I even took a couple of AMAZING numerology courses which have really developed my understanding of numbers and how they apply when trying to understand the different perspective of different people on different journeys in life. Even doing the numerology course I would still look for answers and be constantly looking up and trying to interpret what these numbers meant.

Over a period of time I have learned what they all mean and when I see them I am very mindful of what I have been thinking about and apply them to my thoughts in the moment when I see them. This makes the most sense to me and as I continued to do this I found that it is one of the many ways in which I can carry on a conversation with Spirit all day every day.

Spirit / the Universe / God will talk to you in ways that you are looking and in ways that you understand. Believe it or not you can choose the way in which you are spoken to and HOW you receive messages. It is then up to you how you interpret them and you can pretty much create any system you choose. You are co-creating your reality with the universe, so why not set the boundaries and standards for the ongoing conversation you have?

I know that my system might be different to other spiritual leaders and masters you might be reading about and following, but I have been asked so many times how I interpret these messages so I thought best to write about it here, so you can refer to it anytime!


Angel number 11:11 to me means that I am in alignment. That within the moment that I see those numbers I am in alignment and am receiving confirmation from Spirit that I am on the right track and to keep going. To me this is a bit of encouragement and to take note of how I FEEL in that moment and where my thoughts are at. Thoughts after all create feelings and the vibration of both put together calls in manifestations of this vibration.


Angel number 222 to me means that you are building something of value. That you are at the beginning of something in alignment with your soul’s journey. 2’s tell us to create boundaries to protect our energy and that sharing our journey with random people isn’t always in our highest and best good. Tall poppy syndrome is a thing, and it’s best to be discerning with whom you share your goals and intentions with throughout your journey. Discernment and boundaries!


Angel number 333 is about equilibrium and balance. Whenever you see this you need to check yourself body, mind and soul and be mindful of your balance. 333 asks you to be in alignment with yourself in body, mind and soul – the trinity. You are not just a physical body, a mind or a spirit – you are all of these things and so must nurture and nourish each aspect of yourself every day. 333 invites you to do just that.


Angel number 444 is support. Spirit, your guides and ascended masters are supporting you and very near. Communicate with them. Ask for their guidance and help. They can’t help you if you don’t ask them to! The thing most of us forget to ask for is for things to be easy along the journey. We are conditioned to believe that we will get what we want if we WORK for it. Well… that’s sort of true but not entirely. You can get whatever you want when you ALIGN first and then take inspired action. Don’t forget to pay attention to the messages, ask for support and follow the breadcrumbs to watch your desires manifest faster than you can imagine possible.


Angel number 555 means that great change is on it’s way and to prepare! Get ready. You may have asked for something big to make it’s way into your life and you are being asked to relax and get into receiving mode. This is a time of preparation and to release all that is no longer in alignment with your soul’s purpose and desires. Honour yourself in your now, knowing that you are sitting in the space between spaces. Don’t be in a rush for what is coming, but sit in quiet contemplation of what awaits you.


Angel number 666 has nothing to do with anything evil or the devil or anything like that. I acknowledge that there are dark forces at play in the universe as much as there is that of great light, love and compassion. 666 however is not about that at all when it comes to interpretation of angel numbers. Angel number 666 invites you to be aware of your thoughts as thoughts are energy and like attracts like. Be mindful that what you are thinking is what you want to call into your reality. Dismiss what you do not want and spend not another moment giving it fuel. Focus on your desires, how grateful you are for the blessings that have already been given to you, and for what is on it’s way.


Angel number 777 is like a big round of applause for a job well done. You are going the right way and taking inspired action. You are following your soul’s calling and fulfilling your destiny in this life. Keep going!! Do not give up even if it feels heavy. When the load you are carrying feels heavy it’s time to look at your situation with playfulness and curiosity. Set it down, get back into alignment through using your tools, then get back up and keep going. You are held and supported, your spirit team cheering you on behind the veil.


Angel number 888 is a sign that great abundance is coming to you. Abundance in the form of money, joy, love and gratitude. Practice holding the vibration of abundance all day in as many ways that you possibly can. Appreciate your partner, children, clients, health, even the meal that you are eating can be milked for the feeling of gratitude to align you with the vibration of abundance.


Angel number 999 means that the lesson has been learned! You have come to the end of a cycle or a lesson in this lifetime. It is done. New beginnings await you!

As I said earlier, when you see the angel numbers just hold awareness of what you were thinking or talking about when they pop up in your every day life. In this context they are so easy to interpret and understand. You can ask for signs and numbers can pop up, or they can just be communication from Spirit. Communicate how YOU most feel comfortable and the universe will come to the party. You are an extension of source energy so it cannot be any other way.

Play with this conversation with Spirit. Get curious and have fun with it! Let me know of your signs and synchronicities along the way – I love hearing others stories of divine conversation and alignment!

Much love,