2019 has been an enormous year for me personally and professionally. It has been a year of growth in so many different ways, and it has been a privilege and an honour to witness the growth of those around me as well including you!

In 2019 I have:

Moved house and clinic
Grown clinic by 40% whilst pregnant with my 3rd son
Taken myself through lots of intuitive development
Worked through more of my ‘stuff’ so I can serve better
Learned how to use my intuition for myself and in clinic
Introduced guided meditation to clients
Introduced reading cards for clients during sessions
Birthed my 3rd baby Jaxon

Clinic is now looking a little bit different as hours have decreased so that I can split my time between family and serving my clients better. In clinic now, I will have my bub Jax strapped to me while I work with you so please bear with us whilst we find out flow. It’s all very new and can be overwhelming so your patience with us is greatly appreciated! This will of course change over time as he grows but for now this works best for us so that I can continue to breastfeed and give him what he needs at the same time being there for you delivering quality care.

Next year 2020 is going to be a huge one! In clinic hours for me will be kept to Thursday – Saturday for both in person and remote sessions. Next we have some new additions coming in:

Workshops for kids and adults
Channelled meditations
Intuitive Development Course for Beginners
Custom flower essences for online purchase
Acute sessions
Changes in Booking Systems

The first workshop is going to be held during the school holidays in January 2020 and will be for kids about how to use crystals and set a crystal grid! It will be a very fun 1hr class for children from 5-12yrs. A newsletter will go out to let you all know when that is happening so you can book in for your little ones to attend. So, if you’re not on my mailing list get on that now! Just clinic on this link, scroll to the bottom of the page and pop in your details.

Thank you all for being such wonderful loyal clients and customers during 2019, I appreciate the energy each and every one of you bring to my life! I very much look forward to working with you all in 2020 and experiencing more evolution in life and in clinic.

Watch this space!