When I bought my first kit from DoTerra I didn’t really know how to use essential oils, even though I am a fully qualified Naturopath!

I began using them when my family took a trip to Bali a few years ago and I couldn’t take with me my usual arsenal of supplements and herbs so I made myself an essential oils first aid kit.  I armed myself with roller bottles galore before I got on the plane.  I had thought of everything from sore ears from the plane ride to Bali belly and infections.  I had no idea how much they would help and the lives that would be supported while we went off on our journey.

The oils went to work on little ears as we got on the plane and none of us suffered from adjusting to cabin pressure.  We then had to go through the long process of getting through immigration and finding our way to our hotel and the oils soothed our nerves as we waited in line for what felt like hours.

Within days of arriving I was getting to work supporting digestion in little tummies and preventing infection from adjusting to a much warmer climate than what we had come from.

Along our travels we met a lovely German couple, and I soon found out that one of them suffered from a few health troubles and so the oils once again came to the rescue saving her from Bali belly and supporting her kidneys while she navigated through a change a food, activity levels and watching what water she consumed.

On one of our day trips I was bitten by a monkey when we were walking through the monkey forests which hurt, scared the crap out of me and drew blood.  I had my blends with me in my handbag and so applied them directly to my bleeding finger knowing all about the diseases those monkeys carry with them.  Luckily I can say that I did NOT contract typhoid even though I was paranoid about it for the rest of the trip.  This was not the last major thing that my essential oil first aid kit got us through!

As our white skin got sunkissed daily my former partner found himself very sunburnt to a point of blistering.  So I thought, why not use the oils, it’s the best I have here.  One application of the oils before he went to bed and not only did the blistering settle down but the burn was completely gone when he woke up and he had a nice tan going for him!  It was at that point that I really thought there is something to these oils and I should have bloody taken photos to show everyone! Oh well, such is the beauty of hindsight!

Since the holiday I have used the oils more and more and now we use them in our family every single day.  I’m always blending new potions and creams to support the health of my family and my clients however that support is needed.  It’s so comforting to know that I have everything I need in my home for any type of sickness or pain and the emotional support these oils give is absolutely out of this world.  From feeling anxious and low to not being able to sleep, and even just wanting to give my brain a bit of love when I’m blogging and need to focus, I constantly reach for oils to help me.

I get asked quite often why I choose to use doTerra oils over any other oils.  The answer is really very simple, aside from manufacturing the highest quality essential oils in the world with the greatest integrity, doTerra is actually a humanitarian organisation in disguise!  The fact that they produce the most incredible oils for us is really just the vehicle for the real work these incredible people do.

DoTerra gets their hands on the oils by using what they call a co-impact sourcing method.  This means that the plants are grown in their indigenous environment (so naturally the therapeutic effect immediately is increased), and harvested by the local community so that they can have access to fresh water, schooling for their kids and fair prices.  DoTerra works with the farmers and harvesters so they can provide the most fair working environments and give these people quality of life in places where before they had none.  This is such a special gift both to these people and to us.  This however is not where their work ends.

DoTerra donate millions of dollars every year to other organisations like the Huntsman Cancer Institute which is an incredible place where scientists and doctors are helping cancer sufferers to have access to integrative health care to support their healing journey by combining Doterra’s incredible essential oils into their cancer treatments for the best possible outcomes.  But again… it doesn’t end here.

Operation Underground Railroad or OUR is established and run by Tim Ballard, an ex-CIA agent who has committed his life to rescuing children who have been kidnapped by pedophile rings and locking up the bag-guys who are involved.  He is absolutely passionate about shining a light on high level government and agency involvement so that EVERYONE can see what these people are up to and so they can’t operate in the cover of darkness anymore.  Such incredible work and a blessing that we are able to help him do this simply by buying oils and using them to help ourselves and our family!  This is synergy, this is synchronicity, this is the magic that the light creates.  But wait! I haven’t talked about Healing Hands yet!

Healing Hands Foundation is an organisation that DoTerra has established to create hope and help for the most deserving of people in the harshest of places around the world.  To date the Healing Hands Foundation has build 279 homes in Haiti, they have built 6 new hospitals and medical clinics so that people can have access to health care without having to suffer financially for it.  They have built 9 schools and developed 6 clean water facilities so that the children of these families are not in danger to collect water from remote destinations.  This is just the beginning and you can read more about this foundation here.

As you can probably tell, I’m pretty passionate about this company.  I am passionate about it’s people, the oils and the beauty of their humanitarian work.  I could not be more proud to be using these oils with results that astound even me and I am blessed to witness miracles in clinic every day!

If you want to learn more about the oils and what they are capable of supporting in your life please message me and I promise I will do my best to show you the best path for you to begin your oily journey.  You can also just join yourself and get cracking with building your own oily first aid kit, just click the join and save option here.

I highly recommend getting yourself a kit like the Home Essentials kit which is amazing value for money and gives you all the tools you need to support your health naturally immediately.  I myself just spent a fortune on buying another kit for my family with all of doTerra’s new goodies from the US Warehouse which includes a Kids Collection! OMG!! Which is recommended for kids from 3-10yrs and have already been diluted safely for these ages.

There are so many options I know sometimes it’s hard to see the forest for the trees and know what’s best for you so if you do get lost in the noise drop me a message as I would LOVE to help you!